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Monastery of Wessobrunn

Germany, Wessobrunn (Bavaria)

Monastery of Wessobrunn

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The monastery of Wessobrunn in the state of Bavaraia consists of the cloister and the monastic church, which is a seperate building on the ground of the monastery.

These buildings are surrounded by a huge garden. In the inner court of the monastery there is a well with the statue of Benedict in the centre. In addition to that in the inner court, near the church, an old tower, called “Grauer Herzog”, is perserved from the 13th century.

The walls at the outside of the monastery and the church are mainly white, which contrasts with the green surrounding and evokes a natural and idyllic atmosphere. The tower of the church appears typical for a bavarian construction.

Unfortunatly the original architecture is not perserved, due to the fact, that the building had been destroyed for several times and different reasons.

Currently the building of the monastery is used by a company producing  natural cosmetics. The owner still offers guided tours through the spaces of the old monastery.


The foundation of the monastery is very mysterious. A legend from the 11th century claims that the foundation is a result of a vision of the Earl Tassilo III., who maintained that he saw a well with a ladder climbed by angles and Petrus. At this location Tassilo III. ordered the foundation of the monastery Wessobrunn in 753. This theory, although from historians examined, is improbable. The conditions of the foundation are not lored. The monk Coelestin Leuthner refers in his chronicals of the monastery “Historia Monasterii Wessofontani” to the legend of Earl Tassilo III. Another theory assumed that the monastery is one of several monasteries founded by Landfrid and his brothers Waldram and Eiland in 740. Finally proved is neither of theses theories.

In 788 the monastery got under the influence of Charles the Great. Within the 10th century the monastery was dissolved, due to the hungurian attacks in 955. It is necessary to point out again, that the reason of the dissolution is legendary and not scientifical proved.

In 1064 the monastery was recoverd. In the 13th century the architecture of the monastery  was completly destroyed by a fire. Until 1285 the monastery was reconstructed.

As several monasteries in Germany Wessobrunn was (again) dissolved during secularization in 1803. Later on, in 1913 the monastery was reinhabited by benedictian nuns. Unfortunatly the monastery is not inhabited by monks or nuns since 2012. The building is now used by Martina Gebhardt, who implements a company for natural cosmetic inside the monastery.



Tour Location

Monastery of Wessobrunn
Other monuments and places to visit“Grauer Herzog” roman tower of the 13th century, “Historisches Brunnenhaus”, furthermore the landscape of Wessobrunn provides the opportunity to hike and walk through the green nature of bavaria
Natural Heritage
Historical Recreations
Festivals of Tourist InterestCurrent festivals and events can be found on the website of Wessobrunn: wessobrunn.de
Tourist OfficeYes
Specialized GuidesYes
Guided visitsYes
AccommodationsThere are several opportunities to stay the night near the monastery, staying over night in the monastery itself is not possible
RestaurantsGasthof zur Post
Monument or place to visitMonastery of Wessobrunn
TypeMonastic architecture
EpochNot exactly known, probably in the 8th century
State of conservationThe original building does not exist. New construction
Mailing addressKloster Wessobrunn / Klosterhof 4 / 82405 Wessobrunn
Coordinates GPSLängengrad: 11°01′29″ Breitengrad: 47°52′27″
Property, dependencyMartina Gebhardt
Possibility of visits by the general public or only specialists
General public visits
Conservation needs
Visiting hours and conditions
You can visit the monastery with a guide. There have to be at least 5 people who join the guide, but it could be more. You have to sign up before you visit. E-mail: info@mg-naturkosmetik.de, phone: 08809 - 828990
Ticket amount
A group of 5 persons pay 25€, additional guests 5€
Research work in progress
Signaling if it is registered on the route
Arnold, Erwin, Buchproduktion und Bibliothek im Kloster Wessobrunn, in: Festschrift, 1250 Jahre Wessobrunn (2003), S. 237-250.
Höll, Albin, Die Geschichtsschreibung im Kloster Wessobrunn, in: Festschrift, 1250 Jahre Wessobrunn (2003), S. 251-259.
Höppl, Reinhard, Die Traditionen des Klosters Wessobrunn, München 1984.
Höppl, Reinhard, Die Urkunden des Klosters Wessobrunn 1364-1562. In zwei Bänden, München 2006.
Prockl, Eva: Die Geschichte des Benediktinerklosters Wessobrunn von seiner Gründung bis zum 17. Jahrhundert, in: Festschrift, 1250 Jahre Wessobrunn (2003), S. 11-26.
Winhard, Wolfgang: Die Benediktinerabtei Wessobrunn im 18. Jahrhundert, München 1988.
Information websitesklosterwessobrunn.de/
LocationWessobrunn, in the state of Bavaria, Germany