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St. Peter Cathedral

Germany, Fritzlar, Hesse

St. Peter Cathedral

per person

The Fritzlar Cathedral St. Peter is one of the most important architectural monuments in northern Hesse in terms of history and architecture. The history of the cathedral and the city of Fritzlar begins around 723, when St. Boniface founded a Benedictine monastery on that site. A few years later, around 732, a first stone church was built in its place under monk Wigbert. Around the year 1000, that monastery was transformed into a canon’s monastery, but it was completely destroyed in the course of the disputes between Henry IV and the opposing king Rudolf of Rheinfelden. It was to take only a few years before the construction of a basilica the size of today’s cathedral in high Romanesque style was begun, the basic forms of which are still standing today.


This construction work, which began around 1085, probably reached its preliminary conclusion at the beginning of the 12th century. Large parts of this construction phase are still preserved today, for example the main crypt, the northern crypts, the lower transept walls or the outer wall of the northern side aisle in the core. Further building measures in the late Romanesque style followed in the following decades, including the completion of the Romanesque roof truss over the high choir, which can still be seen today, as well as the continuous vaulting. Until the 19th century, a multitude of further building measures in late Romanesque-Gothic style followed, whose harmonious mixture determines the appearance of the cathedral today. In the course of the 20th century, the cathedral was restored on a large scale for the first time. In 1969, during excavation work on the occasion of the renewal of the floor, parts of a church, which can probably be dated to the 8th century, were rediscovered. Although an exact dating of this first church is not possible, the year 774 can be considered as the terminus post quem, in which the so-called Imperial Annals describe the church of Bonfatius in the context of the Saxon invasions.

The Fritzlar Cathedral is not only impressive because of its numerous sights inside the cathedral, but also because of its cathedral treasure, which is open to visitors, and its museum with cathedral library. Since 2004, the church has held the title of basilica minor. The blessing of the umbraculum took place in 2016.



Información de la localidad

St. Peter Cathedral
Other monuments and places to visitFritzlar’s historic city center (guided tours are available in many languages such as English, French, Italian, Spanish or Dutch)
City wall
Museum Hochzeitshaus Fitzlar
Der Graue Turm
Natural HeritageThe “Ederauenlandschaft” in walking distance from the city center with many hiking or biking routes
Historical Recreations
Festivals of Tourist InterestOn overview of the touristic events hold in Fitzlar can be seen on the website of town
FairsChristmas market
Tourist OfficeYes (fritzlar.de)
Specialized GuidesYes
Guided visitsYes
AccommodationsYes there are many hotels as well as holiday flats available.
RestaurantsMany restaurant options are available
Monument or place to visitCathedrale St. Peter
StyleRemains of Romanesque and Gothic art
TypeMonastic architecture
Epoch11th-13th / 19th centuries
State of conservationGood condition
Mailing addressDr.-Jestädt-Platz 11
D-34560 Fritzlar
Coordinates GPS51°07'50.9"N 9°16'23.4"E
Property, dependencyBishopric of Fulda
Possibility of visits by the general public or only specialists
General public visits
Conservation needs
Visiting hours and conditions
Monday till Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
On Saturdays from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
On Sundays and Holidays during the afternoon hours from 12.00 am to 4.00 pm

The museum is open from Tuesday till Friday from 10-12 am and from 2-5 pm; on Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm and on Sundays from 2-4 pm
Ticket amount
For the museum: 5 euros (adults); 3 euros (children under the age of 14); guided tours are avaiable for a visit of the catedral, museum or / and libary varying between 3 to 6 euros
Research work in progress
Signaling if it is registered on the route
Christian Rauch / Volker Katznmann: Fritzlar: die alte Dom-und Kaiserstadt und ihre Kunstschätze; ein Kunstführer. Tübingen 1974.
Magistrat der Stadt Fritzlar in Verbindung mit dem Hessischen Landesamt für Geschichtliche Landeskunde (Hg.): Firtzlar im Mittelalter. Festschrift zur 1250-Jahrfeier. Fritzlar 1974.
Berthold Hinz: Dom St. Peter zu Fritzlar Stift, Kloster und Domschatz. Kassel 2002.
Youtube (from minute 35)
Information websiteskatholische-kirche-fritzlar.de
Location34560 Fritzlar, Hesse (Germany)